Ever notice that no matter how many times a baby falls down, the little toddler just gets back up. They get back up and stumble and bumble till they figure it out. It’s a good thing we learn to walk as little ones, because if we had to teach ourselves to walk as adults, I’m afraid many would fall down and give up. Why do we lose track of that no-fear mindset as we age? Why do we replace faith with fear?
Unfortunately, it took me way, way too long to figure out that I wasn’t bound to the things I was taught or learned in youth…that I can unlearn all the crap I was taught…and relearn, to create the mindset that moves mountains. Fortunately, it’s never too late to get up and go.
I recall going to a job interview at the local Fox affiliate in Toledo, Ohio when I was 17. Considering it was one of my first interviews, I thought I did pretty good, until the guy interviewing me unloaded on me. He told me he was going to save me all kinds of time and headaches…that I just didn’t have it to make it in the TV industry. Whatever magical potion it took, it just wasn’t part of my DNA. I was instantly deflated, and worse yet, I believed him. I thought to myself, “he’s the expert…if he says I can’t make it, then I can’t.” So, I tucked that dream away and went after some job I didn’t want.

The lesson here is painfully obvious. Don’t let some other dingdong tell you what you can and/or can’t be. You’re in charge of your own script…why let someone else write it for you? Listen to yourself. Write your own movie in which you make yourself the star. Don’t give up on your ideas. Build your ideas around unwavering faith that it’s going to happen. Get emotionally involved with your ideas; engage your imagination and create an action plan. Shake off the procrastination and go. The obstacles you see along the way are only those things you see when you take your eyes off the target. You got this; go for it. There are no practice runs in life. Bust through your fear, replace it with faith and go full speed ahead.
“You either think you can, or think you can’t; either way, you’re right.”
Don Radebaugh
Find the History Mystery Man on Facebook and YouTube.
Sage advice, Don (Bubba). My son Nathan is about to graduate from college with a degree in TV / Video production and will be looking for a Job in the industry this Quarter. Especially in the Sports production part of the industry. I know he’s nervous. Whereas, the location he’s in has both ample opportunity. As well as competition for jobs. I’ve told him to shake hands, make contacts and don’t give up. He’ll do just fine. And, it may take some time to get there. But, keep pushing forward.
Thanks Steven…so interesting to hear from you. I’ll keep the faith that your son will get exactly what he’s looking for going forward. It’s never easy, but with the right mindset and work ethic, he’ll get there. Thanks for checking in…